Thursday, November 6, 2008

Personal Brilliance in Your Pocket

As a graphic designer and print geek, I get to collect all sorts of very cool business cards. The ones I personally like best are cards that serve a use, especially if that use reinforces the product or service of the person distributing the card.

Jim Canterucci, author of "Personal Brilliance: Mastering the Everyday Habits That Create a Lifetime of Success" created a gorgeous full-color plastic card that carries the cover of his book on one side and on the other side he outlines the four catalysts of innovation around which the book is written.

The quality of the card is unmistakable. The glossy plastic will out shine any other card a person may have been given that day, and it begs to be "used." You'll WANT to reference the information about the catalysts of Awareness, Curiosity, Focus, and Initiative. The brief descriptions of each gives just enough information for the user to be able to apply the principles, yet arouse their curiosity to learn more. I'd wager these cards are pretty effective in pulling new readers into his website, as the front of the card also offers a free online assessment of your Personal Brilliance. How can you resist?

Here are some ideas to explore for making your own business cards "usefulness":
  • Computer-related company
    Tech support tips or Keyboard shortcuts
  • Auto Repair/Towing
    Intructions for changing a tire, using jumper cables, etc.
  • Florist/Garden center
    Flower of the month, growing tips
  • Jeweler
    Birthstone chart, Anniversary/tradition gift chart
  • Medical
    Recipe for chicken soup, blanks for personal emergency contact numbers
If you'd like ideas for your specific business, I invite you to take advantage of a new service I offer -- Five Buck Brainstorms. Put my creative brain to work for YOU -- for $5.00 I'll provide you with a dozen ideas on any topic you'd like! Visit for details.

Sales is a game, and you're not having enough FUN. is devoted to sharing all sorts of cool gear, games, gadgets, and gobbledy-gook designed to make selling stuff more fun.

As sales trainer and bestselling author Jeffrey Gitomer says...
"You're not having enough fun -- you're either 'on your phone or away from your desk.'"


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This site is not affiliated in any way with Jeffrey Gitomer or
...We just think he's a wicked cool sales guru.